How to Know if a Guy You Met Is Married
6 Signs The Guy You Met On A Dating App Is Already Married

Before the digital age dawned, dating was already pretty complex. It moved at snail-pace, was often marred by prolonged pining, and usually relied on common friend circles. So when the net struck, bringing with it a whole lot of goodies, dating was potentially posited to become more than convenient than information technology previously was. Fast messages, photo exchanges, and everyday chances at love. Digitised dating: what a dream! It'due south simply now that we're becoming good at managing our love lives online that we are awaking to the million, tiny speed bumps along the road. What if the guy you swipe right on is a fake profile? What if the guy y'all've exchanged numbers with isn't 22 but far, far older in age? And what if – the big if – the guy you're chatting with is married?
Information technology isn't impossible. It has been known to happen to thousands of women beyond the world. A 2015 survey surmised that out of i,282 active Tinder users (at the time there were around fifty million people on Tinder), "nearly 30 percent of Tinder users are married, while another 12 percent are in a relationship." The anonymity of online identity has been beneficial to many married men who discover the lure of infidelity exciting. And non merely in major United states and Britain markets, but India too.
Aanchal (name changed), currently living in New Delhi, tells the states of a similar incident that happened with an nigh-husband when she was 21. "I met him via a dating app. We went on a couple of dates, hooked up once, but he wasn't for me I felt. Then I told him as much. Merely he persisted and pleaded we stay continued on conversation at least. I assented. A few days later, I stumbled upon his Facebook account, and a few posts and pictures later, I found he was engaged to be married soon. He hadn't said a word about information technology to me. I idea it best to inform his fiancée, then I messaged telling her about all that had happened. I soon got a telephone call from her, screaming at me virtually how all the letters were my error and that she trusted her presently-to-be married man way more than than a random girl. Information technology was very, very messy. And guess what? The guy, in all this, had taken a backseat on the action."
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6 Ruby-red Flags That Should Alert You
Falling casualty to married men on the internet and condign romantically involved with them is never the victim's error (equally long as she genuinely has no knowledge of his human relationship status). Information technology's a game that's out of her easily, either through the play of bad luck or just naivety. Unfortunately, in the loonshit of online love, women cannot afford to be naive anymore. To relish internet dating to its optimum, we have to be smarter, keener, and very judicious. Nosotros owe it to ourselves.
Here are six cherry-red flags that should immediately alarm your senses to the possibility that the human you're talking to/dating online might be married:
i. Secretive About His Personal Life
A guy you're genuinely interested in, and who shows equal interest in y'all, will encourage a healthy back-and-along conversation. Conventional online dating is largely based upon a question-answer type chat as the first method to get to know the other person. If you find that he holds back on very many details nearly his life, especially the near foundational ones like where he lives, what he does, his friends, family, pets, interests, your senses must perk up. If he prefers only listening to your side of the story without divulging similar details about his own life, and then there are chances he may exist married and is trying to keep a depression-contour online.
2. Photos Are Too Less, Too Blurry
Note the pattern of his photos. If he is prudent in sharing pictures with you lot, has a minimal visual presence online, and his photos announced morphed or cropped besides close, and so something may be upwardly. That'due south non to say that shy or introverted men don't exist. They do. But yous have to try and make the differentiation between privacy and secrecy. Married men who indulge in dating often create safety nets effectually them by removing social media traces to avoid existence tracked. Endeavor looking him up on other social platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) to run into if you lot can observe more information/photos than he lets on to you.
3. Takes Impossibly Long To Reply, Gives Excuses
Okay, become this. Someone who is actually interested in y'all will detect excuses to talk to you. They'll make time for you lot, even if information technology means going out of their way to drop in and say 'hi' without any apparent reason. That's sweet and what the initial stages of dating look like. Now if the guy you're talking to is taking too long to respond, it may either hateful that he's not really into you or is committed. Watch out for the time he chooses to message you lot. Effort to notice a pattern, if any. See if he is coming upwards with excuses each time y'all want to initiate a conversation. If he takes his ain sweet fourth dimension to respond and evades answering when you ask him about it, something'south upwardly.
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4. Never Lets You lot Select The Date/Time/Place Of Meeting
Dating apps aren't designed to be the be-all and end-all in your pursuit of beloved. They're a first step towards meeting people you would like to. And meeting could too mean actually, physicallycoming together. So if you find your online match bailing on y'all every time you ask to meet him, and in plough tries to take sole command over when, why, and how y'all both should meet, that's a major cerise flag. A meeting for you may depend on emotion, but for him, volition depend on convenience. He will have to spin a spider web of the perfect timing, date, and place with the least-risk situation, lest his scammy ii-timing exist disrepair. Be careful.
5. Seems To Be Travelling A LOT
People travel for work, leisure, and whatnot. Just it's highly improbable for a working private to be taking vacation-length leaves in this day and historic period. Especially during the pandemic, when travel is restricted. If you aren't able to reach your online date, his phone's out of network, and he ever gets back to you with a loose "hey, sorry I was travelling," it'south highly doubtable. Travelling is the most convenient prevarication he can tell you when he's busy with family unit or preoccupied with his domestic life. And then, look out for any skid-ups in conversation. I mode to do that would be to ask him at a afterward date about a trip he mentioned and see if it checks out with what he had said to y'all before.
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6. Says He Lives With Friends/Roommates
Roommate – you lot know what that'south code for. A partner, perchance. Technically, a married man wouldn't be lying if he told yous he lives with a friend/roommate. But on all other counts, yep. He will manifestly deny y'all the opportunity of venturing anywhere near where he lives if he has a full home. Again, if you ask to meet his friends or drib into his identify for a bit or even send pictures of his room, chances are, he won't consent. It volition be easy for him to deny yous these privileges on account of his friends being "messy" or "dudes," overtly telling you that yous're far better away from all that.
And yep, y'all will exist far better, and safer, away from guys like these if you want to take a knot-gratuitous, truthful love life. So get onto those dating apps, go after the dearest you seek; but don't forget your rubber harnesses.
Views expressed are the author's own.
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